"14. 10. 2017 - 14. 01. 2018 / DISKURS, Berlin"
pork fat, spring roll rice flake, bathing salt, pvc, fridge
food sculpture, 2017
*photo by 9mouth
my new works always dealing with the situation and space, it have to be in the exhibition space and produced there as well,…this new work follow the SNOWMAN series since 2015, made out of pork fat, I am interested in the purity of the material and the religious meaning given by mankind.
I am interested in the delicacy of the material, it have to be in a certain temperature to hold a form, and the smell shall be everywhere.
I am interested in making something beautiful out of the unseen process with your imagination. What you can see is what I can give, where the fantasy begins.
*Thanks to Peter Wasmachteigen & Jung Me Chai, La Table Ronde