“What Art can Do - Art & Climate Change”
4-10 pm | August 20th, 2022 | C*SPACE
Carbon Neutral is becoming our next issue at a time when our daily lives are not entirely liberated from the epidemic and the threat of war.
What can art do? What can artists do? What can I do? Thanks to the time and solitude brought about by the epidemic, two of my major projects have emerged from the very exchange of the epidemic, one being a book completed with Zeng Zhe, 'Another Place, Some Other Time'. The other project was a gift from my friend, the famous Chinese writer Mian Mian, of all the old data on her computer hard drive. One project is about accumulation, the other about disconnection.
Between these two polarised points, numerous friends in Berlin will be sharing what they are doing on this day, with presentations by Berlin Asian artists: Shen Han, Yu Linhan, Yu Peng and others; on participatory art: Zhang Ruo and Zeng Yilan; on games and social psychology explorations: curator Yang Jing's project; on music and live: Song Yuzhe & Witch ‘n‘ monk; on Li Zhenhua and Thomas Eller's new exhibition Preview; with Mountain and River Jump! : a unique drink concocted by Huangshan and Huanghe; spicy hotpot courtesy of Li Zhenhua; There are steamed dumplings and ice tea from Han Feng, Zhang Jin and Han Mu; and many mystery guests who will join us for a summer evening of music, poetry and art in action.
Last but not least, Enjoy the Silence by Sarah Duffy.
在这两个极化的点之间,有在柏林的众多朋友会在这一天分享她们的所作所为,有柏林亚裔艺术家的介绍:沈翰、于林汉、于朋等;有关于参与性艺术的:张弱与曾亦兰;有关于游戏和社会心理学探幽的:策展人杨静的项目;有音乐和现场:宋雨喆与Witch 'n' Monk;有李振华和Thomas Eller的新展预告;有山河跳!:黄山与黄河调制的独门饮品;有李振华提供的麻辣烫;有韩峰、张瑾、韩木的蒸饺、冰茶。还有很多神秘嘉宾,将与我们一起共度一个夏夜,在音乐、诗歌和艺术的行动中去远方。
最后,与Sarah Duffy一起“享受安静”。
李振华 |Li Zhenhua
李振华 |Li Zhenhua 〰️
a conversation with
Zeng Zhe X Li Zhenhua
Zeng Zhe: Another Place, Some Other Time
曾喆 「她时异地,荏苒在衣」
"How would one understand time, no matter where one is, and how would one who experienced 2020 understand, as in the lines of the Swedish poet Thomas Tranströmer, 'Memories Look at Me', what about the future? And what about the present, as in OBEY's graffiti on the streets of Berlin, 'How long is now?'"—— Li Zhenhua
Zeng Zhe was born in Zhejiang in 1980, entered the Central Academy of Fine Arts Secondary School in 1996, and attended the Central Academy of Drama in 1999, majoring in stage design and living and working in Beijing. 2014 held her first solo exhibition, "Moment of Being" (EGG Gallery, Beijing), and moved to Berlin in 2017. 2018-2019, worked at Ai Weiwei Studio and was involved in the opera Turandot. 2020-2022 worked on her solo monograph “Another Place, Some Other Time" in collaboration with Li Zhenhua.
曾喆,1980年出生在浙江,1996年考入中央美术学院附中,1999年考入中央戏剧学院舞台设计专业,生活工作在北京。2014年首次个展《词•语•心/Moment of Being》(北京EGG画廊),2017年移居柏林,2018年-2019年工作于艾未未工作室,参加歌剧《图兰朵》项目,2020-2022与李振华合作出版《她时异地,茬苒在衣》。
Accumulation 累积
The roots of this performance lie in my fascination with the art of ventriloquism, particularly with ventriloquism’s beginnings away from its modern incarnation as a variety act that makes use of a dummy. Instead, i'm concerned with the practice of belly speaking, or speaking without movement of the lips, which extends far back throughout various religions and spiritual practices, chronicling the complex relationship humans have had with the voice over time.
Women were particularly associated with the practice at its beginnings. Like The Pythia, The Oracle at Delphi, many women who were engaged in spiritual and necromantic practices utilised illusion, cunning and trickery alongside the practice of belly speaking. Their bodies were seen as supernatural vessels, a view that obscured the fact that these women were employing their beings as powerful performative instruments.
Fascinated by the history of these lauded and yet often vilified female figures, I set out to learn this discipline for myself. Enjoy The Silence is a live ventriloquist performance of Depeche Mode's seminal song of the same name; a song that, despite its lyrical eloquence, attempts to persuade the listener of the violence and uselessness of words. It has been staged in a variety of different enviroments, including a former interrogation chamber, an old office block in Moscow (turned Art gallery) and a five star hotel room.
Sarah Duffy
Sarah Duffy 〰️
Heung Hoi(香海): My plastic fantastic Shanghai
香海:My plastic fantastic Shanghai
Presented on a mobile phone in a 'resting place' in an exhibition or gathering place...
In the case of mobile phones, there is a notebook section, a collection of reading books, photos, videos, emails... The content is taken from one of my past hard drives, and the viewer can leave comments, some of which the viewer can also share through the phone...
When we talk about Shanghai, what are we talking about?
I haven't been back to Shanghai for more than three years, and I haven't lived in another city. I've lived in Castel di Tora all these years, and my window faces Lake Turano, an artificial lake, and in Shanghai, we have artificial beaches. We used to have electronic music parties at the artificial beaches...
Castel di Tora is a miracle for Lazio and a miracle for me. It offers me a perfect reflective life... My plastic fantastic Shanghai presents, from a hard drive I brought out of Shanghai in a suitcase.
I tried to approach, repeat, and deepen my plastic fantastic Shanghai is like storing memories for artificial intelligence called “My plastic fantastic Shanghai” or preparing the atmosphere and details for a science fiction play with a high degree of the juxtaposition of multiple realities...
我已经有三年多没有回上海了,我也没有住在其他城市,这些年我住在Castel di Tora,我的窗外对着Turano 湖,这是一个人工湖,在上海我们有人造沙滩,我们曾在人造沙滩开爬梯…
Castel di Tora是拉齐奥的奇迹,也是我的奇迹,它向我提供了一种完美的反思的生活…“My plastic fantastic Shanghai”呈现的,是来自我从上海带出来的行李箱里的一个硬盘,我试图接近、重复、深化“My plastic fantastic Shanghai”,就像在为一个叫“My plastic fantastic Shanghai”的人工智能储存记忆,也像是在为某部多重现实高度并置的科幻剧准备氛围与细节…
Shanghai-born novelist , now living in Castel di Tora, Italy. Her books have been translated and published in 16 languages and her creative career includes contemporary art, film, electronic music and more, Mian Mian is one of the most important novelist and cultural producer in China in the last twenty years.
出生于上海的小说作家,现居住在意大利的Castel di Tora 。她的书被翻译成16种语言出版,她的创意事业还包括当代艺术、电影、电子乐等等,棉棉是中国过去二十年中最重要的作家和文化制造者之一。
Disconnected 断舍离
HAN Family
Happiness is about how to live together
Han Feng learned to steam dumplings during the epidemic, a development in his handmade cooking since he moved to Berlin, an inner awareness of himself and a human connection to his homeland. Zhang Jin loves tea and tea ceremony, children's theatre and education. Han Mu enjoys Han Feng's steamed dumplings and occasionally collaborates with Zhang Jin in painting small objects. They will bring the happiest everyday moments from their families and share a glimpse of their life in Berlin.
Live together
Live together 〰️ 共同生活 〰️
“来自中国的有传统意识并能引发幻象的先锋,独立的音响艺术叙事,充满力量,出神入化,完全当代 !” 德国唱片评论家奖
Song Yuzhe, Founder and main composer of the Dawanggang Ensemble and the rock band Wood Pushing Melon, his style is distinct and unique, incorporating world music and rock. His compositions range from modern symphonies to soundtracks for film and beyond.
"Psychedelic Avantgarde rooted in traditions from China, sovereign sound-art stories, filled with strength, un-conformist, and very contemporary." —— Juergen Frey, Jury of the German Record Critics Awards
“dedicated to breaking down musical and cultural boundaries.
It brings together the past and the present, in the form of Asian folklore, sound art, Chinese opera and rock.”—— BBC
Witch 'n' Monk is the twinning of Colombian rebel flautist Mauricio Velasierra and anarchic soprano and guitarist Heidi Heidelberg. The duo create a new musical language that travels fluidly between forms, constructed with Latin American flutes radically manipulated with effects, anarchic soprano vocals, analogue electronics and a guitar/bass hybrid. The essence of their collaboration is encapsulated in the name; dark and light, feminine and masculine, punk and Romantic, free-form and intricately composed. Creating contrast is fundamental to their work and thus they tread upon the edges of genres. Celebrated in the jazz, contemporary classical and alternative music scenes they have played across the UK and Europe, at venues and festivals such as Berlin, London, Manchester and Umea Jazz Festivals, Bimhuis, Royal Festival Hall and La Cigale.
Witch 'n' Monk
宋雨喆 & Witch 'n' Monk &
“má là tànɡ” Spicy Hot Pot
Vegetarian, healthy, spicy, happy, eat as you wish. A way of cooking and eating is the way of everyday philosophy.

Our works are about our own lives. After moving to Berlin in 2017, through the local art practice of "Temporary Faith" in Berlin, "Windy House" in Lübz, and "Falling Flowers" in Terezín, Czech Republic, we are going to redefine our self-identity process. The result is not only healing for us but also an expression of the local participants. —— Zeng Yilan & Zhang Ruo August 08, 2022
曾亦兰&张弱 2022.8.8 柏林
Temporary Faith
Windy House
Falling Flowers
Temporary Faith 临时信仰 Windy House 风房子 Falling Flowers 落花流水
Mountain River Jump! is an artist duo founded in 2016 by twin sisters Huang Shan and Huang He, who were born in 1985. The duo has a variety of creative formats in art, often applying “divination consulting” as a performance to examine the potential of such art medium, and to interact with the audience at the intrinsic level. With their studies into Oriental mysticism and folklore, the artists pry open the topics of identity politics, labor issues, feminism, life politics, modernity and others. They pay attention to the embodiment of mythological clues in a daily context, attempting to carry out “psychoanalysis” of reality and reflecting on the materialist culture of our times and its psychological status.
Huang Shan and Huang He presently work and live in Foshan, Guangdong. Currently, they attend an Applied Psychology post-graduate programme at Jinan University, Guangzhou while in 2008, Huang Shan received her B.F.A degree at Chengdu Academy of Fine Arts and Huang He received her B.F.A degree at Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts. The Recent participated projects of Mountain River Jump! include: the second part of We Do Not Dream Alone, Asia Society Triennial, New York, 2021; The Exhibition of Annual of Contemporary Art of China 2019, Pingshan Art Museum, Shenzhen; More, More, More, Tank Shanghai; A Thunder and Eaglewood, Canton Gallery, Guangzhou. Their practice was introduced by ArtAsiaPacific issue 108, ArtForum online, etc. They are the artists of the 2022 residency programme, Pro Helvetia Shanghai, Swiss Arts Council.
Mythology 神秘
I have always been committed to making 'fake-abstract' works because I can't make them up out of thin air. I'm not a romantic person. ——Yu Linhan
Yu Linhan, born in Beijing in 1990, graduated from the Oil Painting Department of the Central Academy of Fine Arts in 2013 and from the HfK Bremen in 2017. He was awarded the title of German Grand Master Student in 2018. He has had several solo exhibitions in China and Germany, as well as group exhibitions around the world, and now lives and works in Berlin and Beijing.
于林汉,1990年生于北京,2013年毕业于中央美院油画系,2017年毕业于不来梅艺术学院(HfK Bremen)2018年获德国大师生称号。他曾多次在中国和德国举办过个展,以及在世界各地参加过群展,现工作生活于柏林和北京。
Yu Linhan
Yu Linhan 于林汉
“Feeling with every cell. Expressing with every stroke.” ——Shen Han
Shen Han, born in Hangzhou in 1988, now lives and works in Berlin. He graduated from Berlin University of the Arts in 2017 with a Meisterklasse(Master Class) degree in Fine Arts.
沈翰,1988年出生于杭州,2017年毕业于柏林艺术 大学,获大师班学位,现工作生活在柏林、杭州。
Expressing 表达
“What seems to be a ‘Theatre of the Absurd’ in moving images, is a reality depiction in focus, and a thoroughly elaborated approach of various visual languages, textures and perceptual psychology.” ——Li Tingwei
Tingwei Li, born in 1989. Graduated from Berlin University of the Arts as Meisterschülerin, studied at Hunter College MFA and Tongji University. Currently living in Berlin. She was among the Forbes' 30 Under 30 China 2017 in Art and Style and Scholarship in NEUSTART Program. She has participated in Pro Helvetia Studio Residency in Basel Atelier Mondial, V2_Lab Summer Sessions 2020, Kooshk Residency Iran, Swatch Art Peace Hotel Residency and Flux Factory of New York.
In her video works, Tingwei Li creates the narratives with complex structures, interlacing and juxtaposing events and mystifications, unwrapping many semantical layers.
李亭葳,1989年出生。毕业于柏林艺术大学美术系自由艺术专业,获大师班学生称号。曾在纽约亨特学院硕士项目和同济大学就读,现工作生活于柏林。入选2017福布斯中国30位30岁以下精英榜,2022年NEUSTART奖学金项目。曾参加瑞士文化基金会支持的巴塞尔驻留, 荷兰V2_Lab Summer Sessions, 伊朗Kooshk驻留、斯沃琪和平饭店驻留项目和纽约Flux Factory项目。
Theatre of the Absurd
Theatre of the Absurd 荒谬的戏剧性
KINDL Centre for Contemporary Art
Thomas Eller X Li Zhenhua
an introduction of the project
One week later
One week later 不见不散
Ride a roller coaster through the ravines of your mind. — Meng Zhang
在大脑的沟壑中玩过山车。—— 张萌
Meng Zhang, 1983 born in Tianjin, China; 2016 - 2018 Aufbaustudium at the Academy of Fine Arts Karlsruhe; 2020 Arbeitsstipendium Mecklenburgisches Künstlerhaus Schloss Plüschow, now lives and works in Karlsruhe/Berlin.
张萌,1983年出生于天津,2016-2018年在卡尔斯鲁厄美术学院学习,2020年获 Schloss Plüschow 工作室驻留奖, 2022年NEUSTART奖学金, 目前生活工作于卡尔斯鲁厄/柏林。
Painting is a way of showing an unfinished chapter in a finished book. — Zhang Kaitong
绘画是一个可以呈现书本结束之后但未完成章节的途径。—— 张恺童
Zhang Kaitong, born in Hebei in 1991, 2014 graduated with a major in Graphic Design at the University of North China Science and Technology, Tangshan, China. From 2018 to the present studying in Class Andrea Büttner and Class Dierk Schmidt at the Kunsthochschule Kassel. And now he lives and works in Kassel and Beijing.
张恺童,1991年出生于河北,与2014年毕业于河北理工设计系,自2018年起在卡塞尔艺术学院学习,师从Andrea Büttner 与 Dierk Schmidt。现工作于卡塞尔和北京。
Yang Jing (Allison) loves playing games and making them too. She works as a producer and narrative designer, and game exhibition curator. Recently, she worked with dslcollection designing and producing an art destruction game Forgetter, Curated an exhibition about game production in China in Tank Art Shanghai, and worked with Goethe Institut Hong Kong on a game space community project Game Kitchen. Her two new projects are designing a narrative experience for choreographer Zelia Tan in Hong Kong in her dance theater with motioncap and AR elements and producing a survival game based on a similar experience growing up in 1990s former GDR and Northern China with Leipzig-based game studio RotxBlau.
Initialize, work for everything to zero. — Zhang Ruo
初始化,为一切归零而工作。—— 张弱
Qiang Zhang(Artists name Zhang Ruo), 1982 Born in Handan Hebei Province, 2006 Graduated from the Hebei Normal University, 2011 Set up The Forest Studio in Beijing, 2017 Living in Berlin, Germany.
Technology increasingly shapes our perception and embodied existence – painting has the ability to address posthumanist ideas on a very basic level, given its material nature and physical working process. — Ce Jian
Ce Jian, born in Jinan/Shandong, China, 1988 Moved to Germany, 2006-07 Goldsmiths College, University of London, UK, 2008 Meisterschüler degree in fine arts, Berlin University of the Arts (UdK), 2009 M.A. (Magister Artium) in art history, philosophy and East Asian art history, Humboldt University and Freie Universität Berlin, 2017 PhD in art and visual history, Humboldt University of Berlin, 2019-20 Associate lecturer, Art History Department, University of Graz, Austria, Lives and works in Berlin.
简策,1984出生于中国山东,1988移居德国,2006-2007就读于伦敦大学金史密斯学院,2008毕业于柏林艺术大学美术系 (大师生),2009毕业于柏林洪堡大学和自由大学艺术史系(硕士),2017获得洪堡大学艺术与图像史博士学位,2019-20奥地利格拉茨大学艺术史系助教,生活工作于德国柏林。
I want to make a kind of painting which is calm, slow and dense. — Yuzheng Cheng
我希望我的绘画平静、缓慢而致密。—— 程昱峥
Yuzheng Cheng, born in 1977 in Suzhou, China, studied from 2001-2006 at UdK Berlin. Works and lives in Berlin.
程昱峥,1977出生于苏州, 2001-2006就读于柏林艺术大学,现生活工作于柏林。
I like to wander through my work. I can create a world for myself and experience freedom and joy while wandering in this fantasy world. My sculptures are models of gigantic, unknown buildings as if they were not of earthly culture but the remains of an alien civilization. In my long rolls of paper, I can get lost in the mountains that appear like crystals. This sense of wandering comes from a very important tradition of Chinese painting, "游". This tradition is reflected in Chinese painting and poetry. I hope to inherit and develop this tradition through my artistic work. — Yu Peng
Walter Yu was born in Beijing in 1989. He has been living and working as artist in Berlin since 2011. In 2017 he received the master student title from Professor Valérie Favre from University of fine arts Berlin, and in 2018 he was awarded with the “AArtist in Residence” scholarship by the German Foreign Federal Ministry.
Langhansstraße 86
13086 Berlin